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Katherine Matusevich

Internationally Minded.
Spartan Educator.
Life- Long Learner.


MAth Workshop:

During math time, I use a variation of the "math workshop" model, where children rotate through different stations and practice the targeted math skill. 

All students begin in a whole group setting where I review yesterday's lesson and introduce the new math concept. Once exposing them to the new material, I allow them to try a problem with a partner.  

After the students have tried out the new math skill, I send the children to a predetermined math center.

1. Independent practice of today's lesson
2. Math fluency
3. Review and differentiation station with teacher

I am a firm believer that children learn best when they can connect new material to an enjoyable, real life experience. By using these math centers, it provides students with variety and practice to ensure understanding for all!  

Centers consist of:
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