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Katherine Matusevich

Internationally Minded.
Spartan Educator.
Life- Long Learner.

Classroom Management

In my class, I believe that positive reinforcement is the key to success. Therefore, to maintain classroom control, I use a variety of individual and whole group behavior plans to reward good behavior and discourage poor behavior.

Individual Behavior Plans

Terrific Tickets

The students earn tickets for completing a designated behavior goal such as cleaning up materials, pushing in chairs, sitting quietly, "whole body listening," helping out a classmate, etc. As the students collect tickets, they are given the opportunity to buy privileges such as read a book to the class, wear your pajamas to school or participate in a "trip to Hawaii."

Behavior Chart

If a child shows a need for a little more individualized attention, then I implement a special "behavior chart" for that child. This includes a copy of our daily schedule and requires the student to rate their behavior during each activity. Before implementing this method, I meet one on one with the child and have them identify something that they enjoy doing. We then agree on a fair behavior chart outcome in order to earn that  designated privilege. For example, if the child enjoys Ipad time, then they might have to earn 6 smiley faces throughout the day to use a tablet for 10 minutes. 

Group Behavior Plans


In addition to the individualized behavior plans I have set in place for my students, I also have a group reward system for good behavior. The children must work together as a class to earn tokens that get places in the "bank." If we reach our savings goal, then they earn a behavior celebration. In the past, these have included a Fall school decorating party and a celebration of cultures. 

School Behavior Plans

Tiger Stripes

As a building, we have focused on the Response To Intervention (RTI) system of school-wide recognition of responsible behavior. We have done this, by creating Tiger Stripes that are given to children who are "caught" doing the right thing. All Tiger Stripes are then turned in and counted toward a school reward such as 80's day, free choice seating or a dance party.

Bucket Fillers 

At Glencairn Elementary, we adopted the "bucket filler" system based on the book "Be A Bucket Filler." This book defines positive actions as "filling other's buckets" and negative behaviors and "taking" from those buckets. It encourages students to do the right thing and try and help other, thus, making a difference in the lives of their peers. As educators, we hand out bucket filler cards to students that are "caught" making good choices and helping others. 

Golden Boot

As the weather gets colder and the children come to school with more clothing, the halls tend to become cluttered with boots and half open lockers. To prevent this, we have instituted the "Golden Boot." Each day, the student leadership team walks around the school and hands awards to the classes that have especially clean lockers.  Every Friday, the awards are entered into a drawing and a class is chosen to display the "Golden Boot" (A child's boot that has been converted into a prized possession by all). This encourage students to work together as a class and take care of their winter attire. 


"Trip" to Hawaii 
The "Golden Boot"
Fall Decorating Celebration
Bucket Filler 
Fall Decorating Celebration
Individualized Behavior Chart
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© 2019 by Katherine Hicks

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All images belong to Katherine Hicks unless otherwise noted 
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